Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Welcome to Summit Wahl's Brew

This is the blog of the co-authors who write with the pen name of Summit Wahl.  Our family saga about a fictitious Milwaukee Brewing Dynasty -- BirthRights: A Dangerous Brew -- is available on Smashwords, Amazon's Kindle, Barnes and Noble's Nook, and other e-book sites, to be announced.

BirthRights: A Dangerous Brew

Price: $3.99 USD. 107390 words. Published on February 2, 2012. Fiction.
A compelling family saga beginning in the 19th century brewing industry, Birthrights: A Dangerous Brew follows the passions and desires of three generations, as the family rises to wealth and power. BirthRights: A Dangerous Brew tells the dramatic story of passions, revenge, chilling tragedy, and the ultimate triumph of love.

ISBN 978-1-4658-4220-6

Sample or purchase BirthRights: A Dangerous Brew: http://www.smashwords.com/books/view/129111

Smashwords Author Page:

Amazon Kindle:

Barnes & Noble Nook:


BirthRights: A Dangerous Brew

A compelling family saga beginning in the 19th century brewing industry, Birthrights: A Dangerous Brew follows three generations through their relentless desire for success. As the family rises to wealth and power in America, they are forever threatened by the dishonor of scandal and heartbreak.

Set in an era when great breweries were born, Adam Koenig’s dream is to own his own. His first job is to drive a delivery wagon carrying barrels of fresh beer to Milwaukee’s neighborhood taverns. His ambitious marriage to the wealthy widow of a brewer paves the way for his fight to the top. The dynasty Adam founds results in great fortune and success, but also calamity and sorrow for Adam, his children and grandchildren.

Adam’s fiery desire for his first love, the beautiful Kate Englund, transcends all loyalties and ambitions. Even the devotion of his wife Trude and their children cannot tame his desire for Kate. The animosity of Wolf Schander, Kate’s husband and Adam’s avowed competitor, causes endless struggle and retribution. Birthrights: A Dangerous Brew tells the story of turbulent passions, the tangled impulses of revenge, and the ultimate triumph of love.

The tale moves from humble beginnings of immigrants on Milwaukee’s Galena hill to the Gay Nineties in Chicago, from Franz Josef’s glittering court in Vienna to the bloody trenches of World War I and a German-American family in a city of divided passions, to Paris after the Armistice. Back in Wisconsin, Prohibition threatens the very foundation of the family’s power as premier brewers face the viral tempers that lead the drys. Set in an era when vast fortunes were won and lost, BirthRights: A Dangerous Brew captures the hearts and dreams of a family destined for greatness.

BirthRights was first published by Pocket Books in 1983.

The cover portrait was painted by the famous cover artist Pino and is copyrighted to him.  So we have a lovely new cover (above) created by James Bolen.

We hope you will return here every week or so to learn more about the authors, about the book, and about the interesting history of beer.  In the meantime, how about a foaming glass of golden brew?  As we say in Milwaukee: Prosit!!

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